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Kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom)

Julian Spriggs M.A.

Related articles

Introduction to 1 & 2 Kings Dates of the reigns of kings
Differences between Kings and Chronicles King Solomon
Kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom) King Jeroboam I
King Josiah

Division of the Kingdom

After David's strong leadership, Solomon was in a secure position as king of a great kingdom. However, he broke the covenant (Deut 17:16-17) and as judgement, God announced the division of Israel into two distinct kingdoms (1 Kg 11:9-13).
“Therefore the LORD said to Solomon, ‘Since this has been your mind and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and give it to your servant. Yet for the sake of your father David I will not do it in your lifetime; I will tear it out of the hand of your son. I will not, however, tear away the entire kingdom; I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen’.”

This is a summary of the history of kings of the northern kingdom of Israel.

In contrast to Judah, where there was a single dynasty of kings, which ultimately lead down to Jesus, there were nine different dynastic families of kings of Israel. Some of these lasted for several generations, and many only lasted a single generation before being assassinated.

I. The house of Jeroboam (2 generations)

1. Jeroboam I (931-910) (1 Kg 11:26 - 14:20)

Jeroboam was an Ephraimite from a modest background. He was an industrious worker, noticed by Solomon and given oversight of Joseph's working contingent at the construction of the Millo.

Ahijah the prophet appointed him as king with a enacted message of a garment torn into twelve pieces, ten of which were given to Jeroboam. A covenant was made: if Jeroboam obeyed the Lord, he would be made a sure house. Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam, who fled to Shishak of Egypt (Sheshonk: 945-924), the powerful founder of the 22nd dynasty, who eventually attacked Rehoboam of Judah (11:26-40).

After Solomon's death, Jeroboam came back and gathered an assembly at Shechem (12:1-3) to meet Rehoboam, the son of Solomon. Rehoboam took the counsel of the young people, causing a separation which God had predicted (12:6-20). Adoram was the taskmaster sent to put Israel to work was killed, provoking Rehoboam to assemble 180,000 soldiers to retaliate. Shemaiah the prophet stopped them (12:21-24).

Jeroboam declared religious independence from Jerusalem, setting one calf in Bethel and one in Dan (12:25-33). A man of God from Judah prophesied at Bethel that the priests and the altar would be destroyed by Josiah. Jeroboam's hand was paralysed and the altar torn down. God graciously restored his hand (13:1-10).

The prophet Ahijah was consulted regarding Jeroboam's son's sickness and his future. Ahijah pronounced God's judgement: the end of the dynasty, the child would die and the land deported beyond the Euphrates (14:1-16).

Jeroboam was ordained by God, he had the opportunity to prosper, but through his rebellious insecurity, he set a pattern which was never to leave the Northern Kingdom: idolatry. God knew it and announced the Assyrian deportation 200 years before its fulfilment.

2. Nadab (910 - 909) (1 Kg 15:33-34)

Nadab was the younger son of Jeroboam. Calf worship continued. He was assassinated at Gibbethon in Philistia after ruling for under two years.

II. The house of Baasha (2 generations)

3. Baasha (909 - 886) (1 Kg 16:1-4)

Baasha was from the tribe of Issachar. He killed King Nadab during the seige of Gibbethon. There was constant war between Asa of Judah and Baasha of Israel (15:33 - 16:7). Around 900 BC, Baasha made an alliance with King Benhadad of Syria. Benhadad broke it after Asa's gift to make him an ally of Judah. Benhadad attacked and conquered several cities of Northern Israel, including Naphtali (15:19-20). The hostilities were provoked by Baasha, who started to build Ramah in Benjamin (15:17), which held a strategic position blocking the south-north traffic. After victories by Benhadad, Baasha stopped the construction.

The prophet Jehu predicted that Baasha was exalted by God but was disobedient, so his dynasty would be destroyed (16:1-4).

4. Elah (886 - 885) (1 Kg 16:8-10)

Elah, the son of Baasha reigned in Tirzah. He sent his army to beseige Gibbethon to continue what was interrupted by Nadab's death. He was assassinated while drunk in Tirzah after under two years as king.

III. The house of Zimri (1 generation)

5. Zimri (885 - 5 days) (1 Kg 16:11-20)

Zimri was King Elah's commander of charioteers. He killed the king and all his family. When the news reached Gibbethon, Omri, the army commander was made king by Israel. He marched to Tirzah, besieged it and took it. Zimri committed suicide by burning himself alive.

After his death there was four years of civil war, from the 27th to the 31st year of Asa of Judah (16:15-23). Israel was divided between Tibni and Omri, who finally took over and killed Tibni.

IV. The house of Omri (4 generations)

6. Omri (885 - 874) (1 Kg 16:21-28)

Omri reigned for six years in Tirzah and for six years in Samaria, which he had built. He was more evil than those before him. After two dynasties in two years, Omri brought stability which would last three generations. Assyrian clay tablets from 100 years later referred to Israel as 'The Land of Omri'.

Omri conquered Moab. The Moabite Stone, found by the Arnon in 1898, was written by King Mesha (2 Kg 3:4), states that Omri had conquered Moab in the days of Mesha's father. He made alliance with Phoenicia by his son Ahab marrying Jezebel, the Phoenician princess who was to bring so much evil to Israel.

He constructed the city of Samaria, situated on a hill 25 miles east from the Mediterranean and 42 miles north of Jerusalem, an ideal location to control trade routes. The hill, 300 feet above valleys of vineyards and olive orchards, was an easily defended observation point. Omri's palace was 175m by 88m (584 by 292 feet). It had open courts with rooms around them, a larger one was (16m by 8m (56 by 26 feet). The buildings were of yellow limestone, built with Phoenician precision, quarried on site.

7. Ahab (874 - 853) (1 Kg 16:24 - 22:40)

Ahab and his wife Jezebel are the most notorious couple of all the monarchy for their evil behaviour. They introduced Baal worship to Israel. In the book of Kings, much of their reign was devoted to the conflict between Jezebel and Elijah and God's fight against idolatry.

Jezebel was the daughter of the Sidonian king Ethbaal. She tried to stop the worship of Yahweh and replace it with Baal worship. She killed all the prophets (18:13), manipulated Ahab to do her will, enticing him to sin with taking Naboth's vineyard (21:25).

Ahab served and worshipped Baal, building it an altar and a house in Samaria and made an Asherah (16:29-34). He also built cities and an ivory house (22:39).

As his power was so strong, God called a strong prophet: Elijah the Tishbite (ch 17-19). In the famine ordained by God (17:1), Elijah was fed first by ravens, then by a widow. Her son being resurrected, finally provoked faith in the widow (17:24). After meeting with Obadiah, the loyal high official, Elijah went and challenged Ahab and his prophets on Mount Carmel (18:1-19). The confrontation revealed God as Almighty God and Baal as a dumb idol. Elijah killed all the prophets of Baal (18:30-40).

After Jezebel's death threat, Elijah fled as far as Beer-sheba in self-pity (19:1-3). A revelation of God's grace on Mount Sinai, was not in the earthquake, wind or fire, but in the still small voice. Elijah was commissioned for a new task, a promise that justice will prevail. There will be three means of judgement: Jehu, Hazael of Syria and Elisha (19:15-18). Elisha was called, by killing his oxen, he makes an irrevocable call to prophetic ministry in a dangerous time (19:19-21).

In 849, Benhadad, together with a coalition of 32 kings, besieged Samaria, demanding tribute from Ahab. God gave miraculous deliverance with the purpose of revealing himself to Ahab (20:1-21).

In the spring of 850 BC, Benhadad gathered a large army at Aphek in Bashan against Ahab, who made a covenant with him for political reasons. The Assyrian ruler, Shalmaneser III was a threat to them both. Militarily, the alliance was good, as together they defeated Assyria in a battle at Qarqar. Because Ahab spared Benhadad, God announced through a prophet, doom on Ahab's life (20:23-41).

In 853, Ahab sought an alliance with Jehoshaphat of Judah to reconquer Ramoth-Gilead from Benhadad. 400 lying prophets approved. Micaiah did not and predicted defeat. Ahab, in spite of camouflaging himself was killed, while the compromising Jehoshaphat was spared by the Lord (22:1-40).

8. Ahaziah (853 - 852) (1 Kg 22:51-53 & 2 Kg 1:1-17)

Ahaziah was as evil as his father, Ahab. When he fell through a lattice and was sick, he inquired of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron (Philistia). God sent Elijah to him to judge. Two companies of fifty men were consumed by God's fire as they tried to lay hold of Elijah. The third company was more reasonable and were spared. Elijah pronounced that Ahaziah would not leave his sick bed and would die (2 Kg 1:1- 17).

Ahaziah also made an alliance with Jehoshaphat to build ships at Ezion-geber to go to Tarshish. There was a prophecy against the project and ships were wrecked (2 Chr 20:35-37). 9. Jehoram (852 - 841) (2 Kg ch 3 - 8).

Jehoram put away the pillar of Baal, but still worshipped at the shrines at Bethel and Dan. Elisha was God's prophet during the reign of Jehoram. Elijah's ministry was predominately to demonstrate God's holiness and power. Elisha, his pupil, revealed God's grace. God reached out to Israel, in spite of the unrighteous kingship. While some were acts of judgement (Gehazi made leprous), most were restorative, affecting individual groups of people. Naaman was the best example, who certainly had been involved in the Syrian raids against Israel.

Both of these oral prophets have left an important message to us today. Firstly, God will vindicate his name even in the darkest time of history. Secondly, he will not stop extending his healing and caring action because of man's sinfulness.The first military account during the reign of Jehoram was similar to Ahab's last battle. In alliance with Jehoshaphat, they went to war against Moab, joined by Edom as King Mesha had refused to any more pay tribute to Jehoram. After water was miraculously provided through Elisha, the coalition defeated Moab. Mesha sacrificed his son, which caused Israel to withdraw (2 Kg 3).

The next encounter was with Benhadad, who wrote a letter on behalf of Naaman (2 Kg 5:1-7).

Then came another war against Benhadad, when Elisha disclosed the position of the Syrian camp (2 Kg 6:8-10). At Dotham, 10 miles north of Samaria, the Syrian armies were stricken with blindness. They were led to Samaria, had their needs provided for on God's command, and then were sent back (2 Kg 6:11-23).

Benhadad besieged Samaria, causing famine and cannibalism. Elisha prophesied imminent deliverance. The Syrian camp was found deserted after they heard the sound of a great army (2 Kg 6:24 - ch 7).

About 841, Elisha predicted that Hazael would be the successor of the sick Benhadad, who died the next day. He also announced more persecutions from Hazael on Israel (2 Kg 8:7-15). Soon after, Jehoram allied with Ahaziah against Hazael. Jehoram was wounded at Ramoth-Gilead, and brought back to Jezreel, another kingly city (2 Kg 9:28-29). At Ramoth, Jehu was anointed king by a prophet sent by Elisha, and was called to destroy the house of Ahab (2 Kg 9:1-13).

V. The house of Jehu (5 generations)

10. Jehu (841 - 814) (2 Kg ch 9 - 10)

Jehu began his reign by being zealous for God. Ahaziah and Jezebel were slain (2 Kg 9:14-37). Ahab's seventy sons were beheaded, the remainder of Ahab's house in Jezreel, 42 kinsmen of Ahab, and the remainder of the house in Samaria were slain (2 Kg 10). The prophets of Baal, the worshippers and the priests were assembled and killed by eighty people and the house of Baal was demolished.

During Jehu's reign, Hazael conquered the Transjordan. Archaeology tells of a coalition between Hazael and Jehu against Shalmaneser III of Assyria. They were defeated in 841 and the Assyrians required a heavy tribute from Jehu (Black obelisk in British Museum). 11. Jehoahaz (814 - 798) (2 Kg 13:1-9).

Jehoahaz was continually defeated first by Hazael, and then from 801 by Benhadad II. He had 10,000 foot soldiers left. His repentance brought relief to the nation. The saviour was the Assyrian seige of Damascus by Adad-nirari III from 810 - 783. Heavy tribute was paid.

12. Jehoash (798 - 782) (2 Kg 13:10-25)

Around 800 to 795, Jehoash defeated Benhadad II three times, as predicted by Elisha, with the arrow of victory. He reconquered territory lost by his father Jehoahaz. Amaziah of Judah challenged Jehoash at Beth-Shemesh and lost. The wall of Jerusalem was partially destroyed, the treasuries were despoiled and hostages taken, all ordained by God (2 Chr 25:20).

13. Jeroboam II (793 - 753) (2 Kg 14:23-29)

Jeroboam restored the land to the same boundaries as in the days of David and Solomon (14:25). He also had control over Damascus, as ordained by God and spoken through the prophet Jonah (14:27).

During Jeroboam's reign, Assyria had a succession of weak leaders. The peace brought economic prosperity and trade with Phoenicia.

Hosea and Amos condemned the north for abandoning God and oppressing the poor. Ivory was used to build mansions. Some administrative documents have been found. Great quantities of oil was bought at low price from the farmers (Amos 6:6). These economic as well as the moral iniquities caused the decline of Israel.

14. Zechariah (753 - 6 months) (2 Kg 15:8-12)

Zechariah only reigned six months before being killed by Shallum, ending five generations of Jehu's dynasty.

VI. The house of Shallum (1 generation)

15. Shallum (752 - 1 month) (2 Kg 15:17-22)

Shallum reigned for only one month before being slain in Samaria.

VII. The house of Menahem (2 generations)

16. Menahem (752 - 742) (2 Kg 15:17-22)

At the time of Shallum's assassination, he sacked Tappuah, 6 miles south-west of Shechem and even killed pregnant women. During his reign, Tiglath-pileser III (called Pul - 15:17) became one of the strongest rulers of Assyria. He strengthened the empire after 3 weak rulers. He annexed Babylonia, Urarku in the north, as well as the lands west of the Euphrates, including Syria and Israel. He was the first Assyrian ruler to deport prisoners. In his campaign in 743, a heavy tribute was given by Menahem: 1000 talents of silver (34 tonnes).

17. Pekahiah (742 - 740) (2 Kg 15:23-26)

Pekahiah, the son of Menahem was slain in Samaria by his captain, Pekah, who they seized the throne.

VII. The house of Pekah (1 generation)

18. Pekah (740 - 732) (2 Kg 15:27-31)

The Book of Kings indicates that he ruled for twenty years (2 Kg 15:27), which would start his reign in 752, the year of Menahem's accession. However, he may have ruled for the first twelve years in Gilead, as he overthrew Pekah (15:25). Also Menahem, when he gave tribute to Tiglath-pileser, is said to have done so 'to confirm his hold of royal power', just as if it were threatened (15:19). After this, Pekah would not have dared to attack Menahem as it would have caused Assyrian hostility.

Pekah made an alliance with Rezin of Syria (750 - 732) against Ahab of Judah (2 Chr 16:5, Is 7:1) and came to Jerusalem to beseige it (Is 7:1) as ordained by God (2 Chr 28:5,9). The coalition could not conquer Ahaz (2 Kg 16:5), although 2 Chr 28:5-14 describes an invasion, that Rezin took many captives and Pekah slew 120,000 soldiers and took 200,000 prisoners as well as possessions. This is explained in 2 Chr 28:8-15, the prophet Obed stopped Pekah from enslaving his compatriots. Judah was sent back home so was technically not conquered.

At the same time, Edom attacked Ahaz, which prompted Ahaz to ask Tiglath-pileser III for assistance. After being given a present from the treasuries, the Assyrians came, marched up against Damascus and killed Rezin (2 Kg 16:6-9, 2 Chr 28:16-17).

According to the Assyrian records, Tiglath-pileser's campaign of 734-732 took him to Philistia, which he subdued, then on to Israel by 733, destroying cities in Galilee and Naphtali. People were deported to Assyria, as was his custom. After Israel, the Assyrians continued up to Damascus, which they took in 732. Rezin was killed, thus ending the nation which was often used by God to judge Israel. Damascus became an Assyrian province (2 Kg 16:9-10). Pekah was spared by Tiglath-pileser.

IX. The house of Hoshea (1 generation)

19. Hoshea (732 - 722) (2 Kg ch 17)

By this time, Israel had become a small vassal state paying regular tribute to Assyria, who had occupied the whole of Galilee and the Transjordan.

Hoshea rebelled and made an alliance with So, the weak king of Egypt. When Assyria came to suppress the revolt, Hoshea tried to give them tribute again. It did not work and he was put in prison, the land was invaded and Samaria was besieged for three years (17:1-5). Unable to withstand, Samaria fell and its inhabitants were deported to Assyria and further east in the land of Media (17:6).

In the year of the conquest of Samaria, Sargon II began to rule in Assyria. There are discussions whether he or Shalmaneser took Samaria, the indication in the Bible being that it was Shalmaneser (v3). The conquest of Samaria marks the end of Israel as a kingdom. In the same way as Damascus, it became an Assyrian province. People from Babylon were brought to replace the Israelites, bringing their gods into the land. The obvious result was syncretism (v 24-41), and the people became the Samaritans.

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King Josiah

The Bible

Pages which look at issues relevant to the whole Bible, such as the Canon of Scripture, as well as doctrinal and theological issues. There are also pages about the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and 'lost books' of the Old Testament.

Also included are lists of the quotations of the OT in the NT, and passages of the OT quoted in the NT.

Why These 66 Books?

Books in the Hebrew Scriptures

Quotations in NT From OT

OT Passages Quoted in NT
History of the English Bible

Twelve Books of the Apocrypha

The Pseudepigrapha - False Writings

Lost Books Referenced in OT

Old Testament Overview

This is a series of six pages which give a historical overview through the Old Testament and the inter-testamental period, showing where each OT book fits into the history of Israel.

OT 1: Creation and Patriarchs

OT 2: Exodus and Wilderness

OT 3: Conquest and Monarchy

OT 4: Divided kingdom and Exile

OT 5: Return from Exile

OT 6: 400 Silent Years

New Testament Overview

This is a series of five pages which give a historical overview through the New Testament, focusing on the Ministry of Jesus, Paul's missionary journeys, and the later first century. Again, it shows where each book of the NT fits into the history of the first century.

NT 1: Life and Ministry of Jesus

NT 2: Birth of the Church

NT 3: Paul's Missionary Journeys

NT 4: Paul's Imprisonment

NT 5: John and Later NT

Introductions to Old Testament Books

This is an almost complete collection of introductions to each of the books in the Old Testament. Each contains information about the authorship, date, historical setting and main themes of the book.

Genesis Exodus Leviticus
Numbers Deuteronomy

Joshua Judges Ruth
1 & 2 Samuel 1 & 2 Kings Chronicles
Ezra & Nehemiah Esther

Job Psalms Proverbs

Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations
Ezekiel Daniel

Hosea Joel Amos
Obadiah Jonah Micah
Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah
Haggai Zechariah Malachi

Introductions to New Testament Books

This is a collection of introductions to each of the 27 books in the New Testament. Each contains information about the authorship, date, historical setting and main themes of the book.

Matthew's Gospel Mark's Gospel Luke's Gospel
John's Gospel

Book of Acts

Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians
Galatians Ephesians Philippians
Colossians 1 & 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy
2 Timothy Titus Philemon

Hebrews James 1 Peter
2 Peter 1 John 2 & 3 John


Old Testament History

Information about the different nations surrounding Israel, and other articles concerning Old Testament history and the inter-testamental period.

Canaanite Religion

Israel's Enemies During the Conquest

Syria / Aram

The Assyrian Empire

Babylon and its History
The Persian Empire

The Greek Empire

The 400 Silent Years

The Ptolemies and Seleucids

Antiochus IV - Epiphanes

Old Testament Studies

A series of articles covering more general topics for OT studies. These include a list of the people named in the OT and confirmed by archaeology. There are also pages to convert the different units of measure in the OT, such as the talent, cubit and ephah into modern units.

More theological topics include warfare in the ancient world, the Holy Spirit in the OT, and types of Jesus in the OT.

OT People Confirmed by Archaeology

OT People Search

God the Creator

The Importance of Paradox

The Jewish Calendar

Holy War in the Ancient World

The Great Commission
Talent Converter (weights)

Cubit Converter (lengths)

Ephah Converter (volumes)

The Holy Spirit in the OT

Types of Jesus in the OT

Holy mountains

Studies in the Pentateuch (Gen - Deut)

A series of articles covering studies in the five books of Moses. Studies in the Book of Genesis look at the historical nature of the early chapters of Genesis, the Tower of Babel and the Table of the Nations.

There are also pages about covenants, the sacrifices and offerings, the Jewish festivals and the tabernacle, as well as the issue of tithing.

Are chapters 1-11 of Genesis historical?

Chronology of the Flood

Genealogies of the Patriarchs
What is a created kind?

Table of the Nations (Gen 10)

Tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-9)

Authorship of the Pentateuch

Chronology of the Wilderness Years

Names of God in the OT

Covenants in the OT

12 tribes of Israel

The Ten Commandments

The Tabernacle and its Theology
Sacrifices and Offerings

The Jewish Festivals

Balaam and Balak


Highlights from Deuteronomy

Overview of Deuteronomy

Studies in the Old Testament History Books (Josh - Esther)

Articles containing studies and helpful information for the history books. These include a list of the dates of the kings of Israel and Judah, a summary of the kings of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and studies of Solomon, Jeroboam and Josiah.

There are also pages describing some of the historical events of the period, including the Syro-Ephraimite War, and the Assyrian invasion of Judah in 701 BC.

Dates of Kings of Judah and Israel

King Solomon

The Kings of Israel

King Jeroboam I of Israel

Syro-Ephraimite War (735 BC)
Assyrian Invasion of Judah (701 BC)

The last years of Judah

King Josiah of Judah

Kings and Chronicles Differences

Chronology of the post-exilic period

Studies in the Old Testament Prophets (Is - Mal)

Articles containing studies and helpful information for the OT prophets. These include a page looking at the way the prophets look ahead into their future, a page looking at the question of whether Satan is a fallen angel, and a page studying the seventy weeks of Daniel.

There are also a series of pages giving a commentary through the text of two of the books:
Isaiah (13 pages) and Daniel (10 pages).

Prophets and the Future

The Call of Jeremiah (Jer 1)

Fall of Satan? (Is 14, Ezek 28)

Daniel Commentary (10 pages)
Isaiah Commentary (13 pages)

Use of quotations of Isaiah in NT

Formation of the Book of Jeremiah

Daniel's Seventy Weeks (Dan 9)

New Testament Studies

A series of articles covering more general topics for NT studies. These include a list of the people in the NT confirmed by archaeology.

More theological topics include the Kingdom of God and the Coming of Christ.

NT People Confirmed by Archaeology

God the Creator

The Kingdom of God / Heaven
Parousia (Coming of Christ)

The Importance of Paradox

Use of quotations of Isaiah in NT

Studies in the Four Gospels (Matt - John)

A series of articles covering various studies in the four gospels. These include a list of the unique passages in each of the Synoptic Gospels and helpful information about the parables and how to interpret them.

Some articles look at the life and ministry of Jesus, including his genealogy, birth narratives, transfiguration, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the seating arrangements at the Last Supper.

More theological topics include the teaching about the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete and whether John the Baptist fulfilled the predictions of the coming of Elijah.

Unique Passages in the Synoptics

The Synoptic Problem

Genealogy of Jesus (Matt 1)

Birth Narratives of Jesus

Understanding the Parables

The Transfiguration

Was John the Baptist Elijah?
The Triumphal Entry

The Olivet Discourse (Mark 13)

Themes in John's Gospel

John's Gospel Prologue (John 1)

Jesus Fulfilling Jewish Festivals

Reclining at Table

The Holy Spirit as the Paraclete

Studies in the Book of Acts and the New Testament Letters

A series of articles covering various studies in the Book of Acts and the Letters, including Paul's letters. These include a page studying the messages given by the apostles in the Book of Acts, and the information about the financial collection that Paul made during his third missionary journey. More theological topics include Paul's teaching on Jesus as the last Adam, and descriptions of the church such as the body of Christ and the temple, as well as a look at redemption and the issue of fallen angels.

There are a series of pages giving a commentary through the text of five of the books:
Romans (7 pages), 1 Corinthians (7 pages), Galatians (3 pages), Philemon (1 page) and Hebrews (7 pages)

Apostolic Messages in Acts

Paul and His Apostleship

Collection for the Saints

The Church Described as a Temple

Church as the Body of Christ

Jesus as the Last Adam
Food Offered to Idols


Who are the Fallen Angels

The Meaning of Redemption

What is the Church?

Paul and the Greek Games

Romans Commentary (7 pages)

1 Corinthians Commentary (7 pages)

Galatians Commentary (3 pages)

Philemon Commentary (1 page)

Hebrews Commentary (7 pages)

Studies in the Book of Revelation

Articles containing studies and helpful information for the study of the Book of Revelation and topics concerning Eschatology (the study of end-times).

These include a description of the structure of the book, a comparison and contrast between the good and evil characters in the book and a list of the many allusions to the OT. For the seven churches, there is a page which gives links to their location on Google maps.

There is a page studying the important theme of Jesus as the Lamb, which forms the central theological truth of the book. There are pages looking at the major views of the Millennium, as well as the rapture and tribulation, as well as a list of dates of the second coming that have been mistakenly predicted through history.

There is also a series of ten pages giving a detailed commentry through the text of the Book of Revelation.

Introduction to Revelation

Characters Introduced in the Book

Structure of Revelation

List of Allusions to OT

Jesus as the Lamb

Virtual Seven Churches
The Nero Redivius Myth

The Millennium (1000 years)

The Rapture and the Tribulation

Different Approaches

Dates of the Second Coming

Ezekiel's temple vision

Revelation Commentary (10 pages)

How to do Inductive Bible Study

These are a series of pages giving practical help showing how to study the Bible inductively, by asking a series of simple questions. There are lists of observation and interpretation questions, as well as information about the structure and historical background of biblical books, as well as a list of the different types of figures of speech used in the Bible. There is also a page giving helpful tips on how to apply the Scriptures personally.

How to Study the Bible

I. The Inductive Study Method

II. Observation Questions

III. Interpretation Questions

IV. Structure of Books
V. The Historical background

VI. Identifying Figures of Speech

VII. Personal Application

VIII. Text Layout

Types of Literature in the Bible

These are a series of pages giving practical help showing how to study each of the different types of book in the Bible by appreciating the type of literature being used. These include historical narrative, law, wisdom, prophets, Gospels, Acts, letters and Revelation.

It is most important that when reading the Bible we are taking note of the type of literature we are reading. Each type needs to be considered and interpreted differently as they have different purposes.

How to Understand OT Narratives

How to Understand OT Law

Hebrew Poetry

OT Wisdom Literature

Understanding the OT Prophets

The Four Gospels
The Parables of Jesus

The Book of Acts

How to Understand the NT Letters

Studying End Times (Eschatology)

The Book of Revelation

Geography and Archaeology

These are a series of pages giving geographical and archaeological information relevant to the study of the Bible. There is a page where you can search for a particular geographical location and locate it on Google maps, as well as viewing photographs on other sites.

There are also pages with photographs from Ephesus and Corinth.

Search for Geographical Locations

Major Archaeological Sites in Israel

Archaeological Sites in Assyria, Babylon and Persia

Virtual Paul's Missionary Journeys

Virtual Seven Churches of Revelation

Photos of the City of Corinth

Photos of the City of Ephesus

Biblical archaeology in museums around the world

A page with a facility to search for artifacts held in museums around the world which have a connection with the Bible. These give information about each artifact, as well as links to the museum's collection website where available showing high resolution photographs of the artifact.

There is also pages of photographs of important artifacts from the British Museum in London, the Louvre in Paris and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Search Museums for Biblical Archaeology

British Museum Photos

Israel Museum Photos

Paris Louvre Photos

Difficult Theological and Ethical Questions

These are a series of pages looking at some of the more difficult questions of Christian theology, including war, suffering, disappointment and what happens to those who have never heard the Gospel.

Christian Ethics

Never Heard the Gospel

Is there Ever a Just War?
Why Does God Allow Suffering <

Handling Disappointment

How to Preach

These are a series of pages giving a practical step-by-step explanation of the process of preparing a message for preaching, and how to lead a small group Bible study.

What is Preaching?

I. Two Approaches to Preaching

II. Study a Passage for Preaching

III. Creating a Message Outline
IV. Making Preaching Relevant

V. Presentation and Public Speaking

VI. Preaching Feedback and Critique

Leading a Small Group Bible Study

Information for SBS staff members

Two pages particularly relevant for people serving as staff on the School of Biblical Studies (SBS) in YWAM. One gives helpful instruction about how to prepare to teach on a book in the SBS. The other gives a list of recommended topics which can be taught about for each book of the Bible.

Teaching on SBS Book Topics for SBS